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Poor Fund


The St. Aloysius Poor Fund is set up to assist needy families in our community.  We have an emergency short-term food supply and grocery vouchers that can be obtained by contacting the parish office. 


One special event each year is the Christmas Hampers for needy families.  The parish, through its coordinator, organizes food hampers as well as gifts for the children. Donations are provided by the Greater Gatineau School, and by the parishioners. An ‘Angel Tree’ is announced whereby parishioners can choose an 'Angel' boy or girl and buy a gift for the child. 

Throughout the year donations are also received from the Canadian Legions, St. Columban’s Mission and from other sources.


To make a donation to the Poor Fund or to request assistance please contact the parish office


Development and Peace


Development and Peace (The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace) is the official international development organization of the Catholic Church in Canada and the Canadian member of Caritas Internationalis. Development and Peace, established in 1967, is a membership led organization supported by parish collections, individual donations and government grants, principally from Global Affairs Canada. The funds sent abroad support grassroots organizations run by people who know first hand the issues facing the developing world. These overseas partners help determine the nature of the agency’s involvement abroad. In 2021-22 D&P worked with 62 partners on 80 projects in 43 countries helping over 8.5 million people.


D&P's mission is to support partners in the Global South who promote alternatives to unfair social, political and economic structures, and educate the Canadian population about the causes of poverty and mobilize Canadians towards actions for change. In the struggle for human dignity, the organization forms alliances with northern and southern groups working for social change. It also supports women in their search for social and economic justice.


Inspired by Gospel values and in particular the preferential option for the poor, objectives are to support the actions of people in the Global South so that they can take control of their destiny and educate Canadians on issues related to North-South imbalance.


The organization believes that Canadians of all religious beliefs have a responsibility to help the world's poor and disadvantaged, either by urging governments, corporations and others to implement change, or by donating time or money to support development efforts. With the proper social and economic tools, people in the Third World can lead better lives


One of our parishioners speaks to the congregation about Development & Peace’s annual campaign, provides information on their works and assists will collecting donations, and signatures of support for certain causes.


Visit Development and Peace at to donate or for more information.

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